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Decision on Merger (CGI Holdings Limited)

Date 2019-11-01

1. CGI Holdings limited has decided to merge IKT Holdings limited.
2. Purpose of merger: Improving management efficiency through the merger of Holdings Companies in Hong Kong
3. Scheduled Date of Shareholders' Meeting: Nov 22, 2019
4. Date Set for Merger: Dec 6, 2019
5. Date of conclusion by the BOD(Approval Date): Oct 31, 2019
6. Other important factors related to investment judgement
   - CGI Holdings limited and IKT Holdings limited is Hong Kong-based, non-listed, wholly owned by CJ CGV.
      CGI Holdings Limited shall not issue new shares of the absorbed company on this merger.
   - The above schedule is subject to change according to the result of consultation and approval process with the relevant parties.
   - There is no stock purchase claim exercise as it is a merger between our complete subsidiaries.
   - There is no effect on our business and sales revenue as the purpose of merger is to enhance management efficiency.